First Production Run
After many months of experimenting with our recipe time had finally come for our first production run! It was a mild December Sunday that we harvested the bark from 12 of our shagbark hickory trees. Then we carefully cleaned the bark to remove anything nature left behind to get a clean product to work with. This was a difficult job that needed the whole family as it is a very labor-intensive process. For future runs, we will certainly invite some family and friends for a bark scrubbing party that will end with a great meal. As we cleaned the bark, we would bake the bark to remove any moisture, so it was ready for the next phase of the process. We then stored the cleaned and baked product for the day of production. A few days later, we worked with our friends at Pop’s Pepper Patch here in town for our first production run. We found that a two-step process works best to get the flavor, consistency, and color that makes our syrup so special. It took the better part of day, but in the end, we are so happy with the result! We hope you try our Shagbark Hickory Syrup. We love it in our favorite craft cocktails. It is also fantastic on breakfast items like pancakes and waffles. We use it in many of our recipes wherever honey, or maple syrup is required.