Our Story
Hello there! Welcome home to McIntyre farms! We are Michael and Marsha McIntyre. We are blessed to live on a small farm in central Kentucky! Michael grew up on a 200 acre farm in Bardstown Kentucky. Marsha grew up across town. We met in high school and the rest is history. Both our farm in Shelby County and the farm in Bardstown are a huge part of our lives. Our 3 sons are a vital part of the farm as well as our Pappaw and Grandma and our other beloved aunts, uncles, and cousins!!
Our delicious syrup began as a foraging project for our family as we discovered the beauty of our numerous shagbark hickory trees. The tree sheds plentiful amounts of bark as it grows. We can collect the bark and the delicious nuts without harming the tree. From this, we experimented with numerous recipes and developed our own recipe for syrup and discovered our families favorite. We began sharing it with close friends and family and they suggested we should share this delicious syrup! We use it in our sourdough bread and all our baked goods, pancakes and waffles and it is particularly good in craft cocktails! We partnered with the good folks at Pops Pepper patch who helped us take this family kitchen recipe to a larger scale so we could share it with you!
The other products you will see featured here are made and produced by a member of the McIntyre clan including our kids! The label was infact designed largely by our 11 year old!! We are proud members of the Kentucky Proud line of products!
We sincerely hope you enjoy our syrup and the other products featured here as much as we enjoy making them!